Mum Praises Hairdresser For Not Giving Up On Son With Autism Who Hates Having His Haircut

'This woman did more for my heart than she will probably ever realise.'

A mum has praised a hairdresser who didn’t “give up” on her son with autism who hates having his haircut.

Jennifer McCafferty, from Charleston, US, said her son Isaiah dislikes having anything near his ears and can’t stand the sound of clippers.

“This woman, Kaylen, at Sports Clips did more for my heart than she will probably ever realise,” McCafferty wrote on 2 January.

“I was ready to give up, but she wasn’t.”

McCafferty explained that Kaylen sat on the floor with Isaiah in her lap to cut his hair.

“They talked about Dory and Christmas, and she even let him spray her with her water bottle,” the mum wrote.

“Autism can be so very, very hard, but people like this make our days just a little easier.”

The post shared on Love What Matters’ Facebook page has been shared more than 15,000 times and liked 152,000 times in just one day.

“Kudos to her,” one woman commented. “I’m so glad to see that people are so willing to work with kids with autism and not just shove them off.

“Things that don’t bother us as adults can totally send children into a spin.”

Another wrote: “My son with autism is exactly the same and we have found one hairdresser who will do whatever he needs to cut his hair.

“Like you, he often ends up on the floor and it melts my heart every time.”
